Frequency Coordination Web Portal
CCARC has a created forms and tools to automate, as much as possible and practical, the processes of coordination applications, updates and ownership changes. All of these tools are contained in our revised Web Portal. CCARC has also created a comprehensive and detailed set of instructions for using the Web Portal. These are in Adobe pdf format that you can download and read at your leisure before making your application or update. There are also videos that will walk you through the various steps such as logging in, making annual updates and applying for a new coordination. You’ll find all of these located on the Coordination Tool Instruction Page .
I want to apply for a new repeater pair. You should fill out the form located in the Web Portal. Please read the New Coordination section of the Coordination Tool Instructions and view the New Coordination Request video. After you submit your request, if a pair is available, you should hear something within a week or so. If you DO NOT hear back within a week, contact the coordinator at the Contact the Coordinator link.
I want to facilitate a transfer of coordination from the old owner to the new owner. The original owner (Holder of Record) will need to log in to the Web Portal, navigate to the coordination in question, click the blue Transfer Holder of Record button and select the new Holder of Record. Note that this can only be done using the login of the Holder of Record, not another individual who is an Approved User for that login. In a case where the original owner is silent key, we would need verifyable proof showing that the coordination would be transferred. To avoid a situation where a club coordination is orphaned by the Holder of Record being silent key or unreachable, we highly recommend that the Holder of Record be associated with a club login and email, not that of a particular individual. We safeguard our constituents coordinations to ensure that any exiting coordination is only able to be managed by the original owner or anyone allowed on the owner’s record.
I want to move a repeater. Please use the “Request Recoordination” button in your repeater coordination record located in the Web Portal and complete the information that you cannot change. Refer to the video How to Request a Recoordination for a move, change etc. This does not mean that we will automatically grant a move, but we will do what we can to make your recoordination happen. We suggest that you request recoordination BEFORE you make your move because there’s always a possibility that something may need to change in order to facilitate this move!
My buddy wants me to take over his repeater. First, create a login on the web portal for yourself. Your buddy must then log in to the Web Portal, navigate to the to the coordination in question, click the blue Transfer Holder of Record button and select you as the new Holder of Record. Note that this can only be done using the login of the Holder of Record, not another individual who is an Approved User for that login.
I need a VHF coordination on the Eastern Front Range. There are no frequencies available unless someone turns one in. The current waiting list is 5+ years and we will gladly add you to the list in order to keep your spot in line. You can use an SNP pair for analog until your coordination comes up. There are no digital Shared Non Protected pairs in the VHF band plan.