Spring Meeting and Election

In accordance with the bylaws below – and as agreed to by the Executive committee.

I am mailing this on behalf of the current Chairman of the CCARC and CCARC Executive Committee…

SECTION 4. Nominations. Nominations are solicited by the Nomination Committee (Article X Section 1) and submitted to the Executive Committee who shall consider the recommendations and shall notify the Council of its nominations at least 21 days prior to the Spring regular meeting.

We are placing into nomination the following people for the positions that are up for election at the April 23rd meeting…


  • John Maxwell W0VG
  • Doug Nielsen N7LEM


  • Emit Hurdelbrink W0UAW

Frequency Coordinator:

  • Tracy Helmhold KI0HC

73 Wayne N0POH

Spring 2022 Meeting, April 23, 2022 from 1-4 PM

Virtual Zoom Meeting

Dear CCARC Delegates,

I hope this finds you all safe and healthy.

It is time again for another CCARC meeting. At the last meeting there was
vast agreement to continue on-line meetings. This meeting will be held via
Zoom. You will be able to join with video from your computer, tablet, or
smart phone. You can also dial in from any phone for an audio only

The meeting will start at 1 pm and will be finished by 4 pm.

Our business meeting agenda will address several topics for CCARC and
Colorado Amateur Radio in general. Please see the agenda for a summary.

Please remember that you must be the registered primary or alternate
delegate (or a written proxy) and dues need to be current to vote on
formal business at any CCARC meeting. The status of your membership can be
checked on-line at http://www.ccarc.net. Your club’s current registered
delegate information can also be obtained from the website.

As always, our meeting is open to any club or individual regardless of
CCARC membership status. We will always welcome a new potential member.
Please spread the word and invite a friend or neighboring club officer! I
look forward to seeing or at least hearing from all of you on the 23rd.

Douglas Nielsen, N7LEM

Fall 2021 Meeting: October 23rd

Dear CCARC Delegates,

I hope this finds you all safe and healthy.

It is time again for another CCARC meeting. Since the at the last meeting there was vast agreement to continue on-line meetings, this meeting will be held via Zoom. You will be able to join with video from your computer, tablet, or smart phone. You can also dial in from any phone for an audio only connection.

The meeting will start at 1pm and will be finished by 4pm.

Our business meeting agenda will address several topics for CCARC and Colorado Amateur Radio in general. Please see the agenda for a summary.

Please remember that you must be the registered primary or alternate delegate (or a written proxy) and dues need to be current to vote on formal business at any CCARC meeting. The status of your membership can be checked on-line at https://www.ccarc.net/wordpress. Your club’s current registered delegate information can also be obtained from the website .

As always, our meeting is open to any club or individual regardless of CCARC membership status. We will always welcome a new potential member. Please spread the word and invite a friend or neighboring club officer! I look forward to seeing or at least hearing from all of you on the 23rd.


Douglas Nielsen, N7LEM

Spring 2021 Meeting Agenda

The CCARC Spring Meeting is coming up on Saturday, May 1, 2021 from 1-4 PM. This meeting will again be held via Zoom video-conferencing. The full agenda and Zoom link are available through the mailing list.

As always, our meeting is open to any club or individual regardless of CCARC membership status. We will always welcome a new potential member. If you wish to attend see your club delegate to get the information or contact the chairman above.

Fall 2020 Meeting Overview

Reports were given by the Secretary, Treasurer, Frequency coordinator and the ARRL Colorado Section Manager. Topics under discussion included Repeater Maps, a Web Master is still needed (Contact the Treasurer for details) and a change to the Constitution was approved. A limited amount of Colorado Repeater data is now available to the public on our website (See this link) and an IMPORTANT LINK TO PENDING DE-COORDINATION of some Repeaters can be found here! Hot Spot frequency use guidelines will be forthcoming soon from the Frequency Coordination Committee. A committee has been appointed to review and revise the governing documents of CCARC to bring them into the 21st century. Check out all the details in the 2020 Meeting minutes!

CCARC Fall Meeting 2020

The Fall 2020 CCARC Meeting will be Saturday, October 24, 2020 from 1-4PM
This will be our second meeting via Zoom.
The Zoom specifics have been sent to the delegates.

As always, our meeting is open to any club or individual regardless of
CCARC membership status. We will always welcome a new potential member.
If you wish to attend see your club delegate to get the information or contact the chairman above.

Overdue Repeater List Online!

The CCARC has posted a real-time list of all overdue repeaters on the website. This information is up-to-the-minute realtime data. The list will show all repeaters that need to be updated in the Coordination System.

The repeaters that are listed in RED don’t have current email addresses on file and must be updated as soon as possible.

You can follow this link to access the list or you can click on Frequency Coordination, Overdue Repeaters from the menu above.

This will help us clean up the CCARC database and get back to a valid database. This is very important to complete this step as extremely overdue repeaters may be flagged for decoordination.

New Coordinator On Board!

The CCARC has elected a new coordinator.  Tracy Helmhold, KI0HC has graciously agreed to step in and help getting coordinations back online.  All coordinations that we know of at this point have been processed and you should have received an email from the coordination system “fcadmin@ccarc.net” with your coordination details.

If you have a coordination that you have not been contacted on, please contact Tracy Helmhold via email below Frequency Coordination, Contact the Coordinator in the menu above.

If you have not visited the new coordination system and made sure that your login works, please do so under Frequency Coordination, Coordination System in the menu above.