The Colorado Council of Amateur Radio Clubs is an organization that maintains coordination records for all repeaters within the borders of the State of Colorado. We have been created by the amateur community in order to ensure the coordinations in the state are maintained and safeguarded properly.
Just one of the functions of the Colorado Council of Amateur Radio Clubs is frequency coordination. CCARC establishes a Frequency Use Plan for each band and coordinates repeater frequencies in accordance with FCC Rules Part 97. The CCARC appoints a frequency coordination committee led by the frequency coordinator (Mike K0GUR) to coordinate repeater frequencies within Colorado in cooperation with adjacent states. The western slope representative is Chris Depuy WB0ITG. The task of the frequency coordinator is to protect coordinations that have been assigned from interference by not allowing coordination of other repeaters on that or adjacent frequencies in the area or adjacent states.
The purpose of the annual update is to prevent frequency squatting, where a repeater has been decommissioned but the frequency is still being protected. Since these frequencies are a public resource, if they are not in use it may be reallocated.
We hold two regular meetings yearly, once in the spring and once in the fall. Location will be announced at the previous meeting and posted on our website.
Our meetings are usually held in person but we usually have them online at the same time to allow participation from around the state.
All amateur radio operators are welcome at the meetings.